jeudi 12 janvier 2012


We will remember!

vol. 5, no. 2, January 13th, 2012

Si vous désirez lire en français:

Please let us listen to this poignant song of the Australian-born pop singer Tina ARENA, Je m'appelle Baghdad:

This article is dedicated to those marvelous US comrades from Los Angeles, Détroit, St.Paul’s, Washington D.C., New York… who fought during all their lives for peace, progress and socialism in United States of America and elsewhere around the world. We always refer to them as the “old comrades”. It is not to stigmatize them due to their venerable age, rather than a commitment to follow their footsteps. We love them and they inspire us. Their spirit is already part of our traditions and, actually, the leitmotiv of our daily struggles; in a way or in another, they set up the landmarks of the Occupy Wall Street movement all over North America. Thank you so much comrades! (Photo Internet: OWS in Montréal-Canada, "Is it a revolt?! No, Majesty, it is a revolution, - 1789)

So, there will be presidential elections in USA, in 2012. We could vote for the Republicans: a comeback to the Reagan’s years, Bush’s years; tantamount to new wars, to more unemployment and a deeper crisis, while the wealth of the nation (“the money”) will go further in the pockets of the well-to-do. It is not acceptable. Would we support the fringe group called the “Tea Party”? This is the “people’s” variant longing for drastic setbacks in all the progressive values adopted by the US people since WWII. We cannot live with that. By the way, to dwell about the Rightists (Republicans and Tea Party), there is a joke that goes like that: “Do you know that since his retreat from Presidency, George W. Bush became half-crazy?” Answer: “Oh yes, he feels better…”

What’s left then? Well, let the Democratic Party knows that we are mad at them and that they MUST fulfill their 2008 promises. We don’t expect more, but we don’t expect less; and we will take the street… Basically, the next “step” could be in the streets. We guess that President Obama is smart enough to understand our voices. So, here is another joke; President Barack Obama was asked: “About your intelligence, is it the fruit of a seasoned experience or… in-born?” Answer: “Yes!”

Meanwhile, it is alleged that the Far Right is looking for foreign spies. Already, they keep an eye on the Cuban Five who have been in jail for 13 years on unqualified accusations as spying USA military facilities. It has not even been asserted, including by prominent US military members of the General Staff. But the FBI is supposedly on the lead, since they discovered that some Communist Party members are aware of a very dangerous trend within the US society: CUBISM. It seems that it is “a style of art characterized by the abstraction of natural forms into fragmented geometric shapes!!!” Is it contagious?
(Reproduction Internet: Les Demoiselles d'Avignon; Pablo Picasso dans sa période cubiste)

So many people around the world would be relieved if President Obama releases them. He has actually all the power to do that, including convincing backward elements of US population that we are now living in the XXIst century.

Nathalie CARDONE sings us a very inspiring song (Hasta Siempre) about the relations between Cuba and USA, two nations who committed themselves in people’s revolutions against imperialism:

L'Humanité in English:


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