jeudi 28 octobre 2010


vol. 3. no. 10, November 1-15, 2010

Si vous désirez lire en français:

You will find below the link to l'Humanité in English, a selection of articles from the daily communist newspaper published in Paris (France).

Guess what, we will start with bad news and end up with optimism and hope for a future!

“A paternalistic concern for ‘what’s going to happen to the people of Afghanistan and Iraq’ without the U.S. occupying their countries shows how far imperialist assumptions have infected sections of the US peace movement. [...] On the other hand, the U.S. Peace Council, affiliated with the World Peace Council -the largest peace movement on earth-, distributed at a peace meeting in Washington (October 3rd , 2010) a statement that says grosso modo: ‘We must foreground the demand for an immediate unconditional end to the U.S. occupation wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. The trillions of dollars devoted to war industry profits feed more than 1,000 extraterritorial U.S. military bases around the world as well as U.S. and U.S.-backed occupation and wars against Palestine, Colombia, Pakistan, Lebanon, Somalia and Yemen, threats to Iran and Democratic Korea, and the deployment of Special Operations forces in a total of about 75 countries...”
The US Marxist writer, James Connolly, wrote that “Stalin, interestingly, [believed] that ‘it is possible that in a definite conjuncture of circumstances,’ the fight for peace’ will develop here or there’ into a fight for socialism. [...] ‘a movement for the overthrow of capitalism.’ In any case, the peace movement’s anti-militarism opposes the war industry, ‘the “business” best adapted to the extraction of the maximum profit’. The peace movement therefore, even without Marxist-Leninist leadership, objectively tends to undermine modern monopoly capitalism – as long as the peace movement [...] consistently and vigorously objects to imperialist aggression.” (J.V. Stalin, Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R. (1952).
(Photo Internet: Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union).

The CPUSA’s electronic bulletin People’s World reported (October 27th, 2010), in relation to the so-called US hawks, pervading the USA in the 1980s, “right-wing extremists and the most reactionary sections of monopoly and financial capital ganged up against the working class, racially oppressed, women, youth, seniors, and other social groups”, the core of the peace movement then and now.
Those were the years of Ronald Reagan era; People’s World goes on: “The wealth of the top income tiers ballooned, while income for the lower tiers either stagnated or plummeted”.
In 2008, President Obama was elected; democratic-minded people and movements backed him. It was the victory of a “loose coalition of diverse forces”. Speaking of two visions about the power at White House, the journal says: “which vision will come out on top and when that will happen is not clear”.
One thing is sure: the CPUSA’s leadership does not intend to fight on its own to advance new policies for the working class.
USA is a typical capitalist country
As stated in the New York City Metro, “since resigning as speaker of the House 11 years ago, Newt Gingrich, the most powerful Republican, has officially been a private citizen...” Speaking about US history, he hammers out: “Following World War II, the left in America romanticized about many ideas put forth by Moscow, and turned a blind eye to the fact that Stalin has already slaughtered millions of his own people and was now subjugating much of Eastern Europe. Just four years later, the Soviets detonated a nuclear weapon...”
Of course, he is lying and exaggerating. Everybody knows that USA was the first power to use the atomic bomb, against Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the WWII, while Japan was already on the verge to capitulate without it. In describing Stalin, Gingrich uses the old Nazi clichés.
(Photo Internet: Newt Gingrich is using the classical clichés of the Nazi regime about Soviet Union; here is "maybe" his favourite mentor on the far right, Adolf Hitler, accompanied by Joseph Goebbels on the left).

In fact, he is more concerned with the well-being of the U.S. well-to-do. He pursues: “Republican candidates must continue to explain their plans for [cutting taxes] and reforming government”.

In February or March 2011, we will know if he runs for President in 2012.
The electronic journal informed us that a rally was organized in Washington, DC at the end of October whose “aim is to show the country that when it comes to politics and civic discourse, the majority of Americans are interested in sane, calm discussion rather than shrill, angry shouting.”
On the other hand, the Fed declared the same day that the authorities will inquiry in the manner that mortgage societies expelled from their homes, people unable to face financial obligations. This is no joke; so many people just don’t find a job. “The national unemployment rate remained unchanged for September, at 9.6%, according to figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on October 8, 2010. Approximately 14.8 million workers are without jobs as the economy continues slow growth.”
In terms of money, those are the charts (in June 30, 2009) in thousands of dollars for total deposits: a) Bank of America, 817,989,321; b) JP Morgan Chase Bank, 618,124,000; c) Wachovia Bank, 394, 189,004; d) Wells Fargo Bank, 325,417,000; e) Citibank, 265,947,879. And the list is long and impressive.
Now, we could overview the situation of General Motors. The New York Times (October 26th, 2010) recalls that: “For most of the 20th century [it] was the biggest company in the most important industry in the world.” During the bankruptcy process, “the [US] federal government holds nearly 61 percent of the new company, with the Canadian government, a health care trust for the United Auto Workers union and bondholders owning the balance. [...] In April 2010, G.M. repaid its government loan, as sign things could be turning around. Soon afterward, it said it earned $865 million in the first quarter, its first profit since 2007, with revenue up 40 percent, to $31.5 billion, and a positive cash flow of $1 billion. In June, GM increased output at most of its American operations. Sustaining this progress, G.M. said in August that it earned $1.3 billion in the second quarter, its strongest financial performance since 2004.”
For the CPUSA’s current leaders, the workers may reckon on the Obama Democratic Party. But the New York City Metro reported, always at the end of October, that “Democratic Senate candidate and current West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin has said he didn’t fully understand the bill (on Health Care, Ed.) at time of passing. Stammering out a hasty retreat, Manchin explained his concerns: ‘Knowing the existence as far as how reaching it had been, as far as – and onerous- I would have [voted against it], he said’”.
The last word belongs to People’s World: “French workers angry about pensions and more”. The author notes that labour and left activists’ protest in France goes beyond the issue of pension reform. In fact, “polls show that if the election were held today the left would win”.
There are two conclusions here: first, the CPUSA should not be afraid to stress that the labour and left activist are united in the“Intersyndicale
(All-Unions Movement) that gathers major unions, including the communist-led General Confederation of Labour (CGT). The unions are supported by political parties and movements such as the French Communist Party and the Pôle de Renaissance communiste en France (Communist Renewal in France).
(Photo PCF: October 2010 Demonstration in Paris, France).

The other lesson: the CPUSA must come back on the forefront of the US workers’ battles for jobs, decent housing and racial equality between Black and White workers; and this is the basic starting point for the working class movement in USA; a country as capitalist as anywhere else in the world.

jeudi 14 octobre 2010


vol. 3, no. 9, October 16-31, 2010

Si vous voulez lire en français:

You will find below the link to l'Humanité in English, a selection of articles from the daily communist paper published in Paris (France).

In 1850, Frederick Engels, the close friend to Karl Marx wrote: “Modern large-scale industry can only exist provided it expands incessantly, continually conquers new markets”. (K. Marx/F. Engels, Collected Works, vol. 10, International Publishers, New York, 1978, p. 295). In our today's world, we face financial corporations, such as the Canadian banks (BMO, TD, etc.) who cannot satisfy their quench for profits. In their case, sky is the limit. Any people opposed to their ever-lasting domination of new territories and populations become an enemy;
recently mass media criticized the Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez for that purpose. Of course, Cuba remains a target. To avoid opponents at home, they urge Stephen Harper to repel democratic rights, especially those claimed by the young generation; we saw it in Toronto at the G-20 meeting, last summer, when the police brutalized and arrested over 900 youngsters. For some, it was their first contact with political "freedoms" in Canada.

At the outcome of these demonstrations, taking into account the agenda of the Conservative party of Canada, La Vie Réelle in English called upon the democrats, especially the working people to support a centrist government to promote what we already knew about Canada at a better time, when the working class was stronger, better organized, led by progressive and communists. We don’t live anymore in this “lost” paradise. The dire reality is that Stephen Harper wants to transform the “cool guy attitude” of Canada into a reactionary one, maybe with the fist of a police state; basically, the dream of a state where tycoons of all sorts, -big industrialists and large corporations- would be free to do what they want into a Canada, further divided by the national question.
(Photo PCF/Bagneux: Demonstration in Paris, against the reforms of the French government against the pension plan. The police did not intervene against the young protesters, Fall 2010).

This is nowadays easier for the Right to aggress the youth since the Communist party of Canada is still recovering from inner disputes, factions’ fights and reformism. At an earlier period, the Party could have reckon on international solidarity; what the communists call “proletarian internationalism”, especially based on the support of socialists countries. The biggest rampart was then the Soviet Union, cherished by most of the conscious workers the world over.
Soviet Union

In 2007, on behalf of the Communist party of Ireland, Herman Glaser-Baur, told that after the October Revolution in Russia, in 1917, “this new situation led to conditions under which the working class in the capitalist countries was able to successfully fight for rights previously unknown. All aspects of the ‘social system’ of today such as a national health system, public education, a fixed retirement age, culture for the working class, etc. were first realised in the socialist state and the capitalists and their governments had to make concessions to the struggle of the working class.”
He made the point that “many Communist parties were founded and the 3rd International established (1919). “The Communist party of Canada was founded in 1921 in Guelph, in the vicinity of Toronto (Ontario).

Let's recall also that during WW2, the Red Army defeated the Werhmacht at Stalingrad. As said the German communist leader, Ernst Thälmann: “Stalin is going to break Hitler’s neck”.
To be honest, La Vie Réelle in English does not pretend to defend political crimes, but on the other hand, it is correct and needed that History assesses some facts, concrete facts, like the contribution of Joseph Stalin in the victory over Nazism in 1945 and the rapid economical development of Soviet Union, the growth of the purchasing power of the citizens and the real amelioration of their well-being.
(Photo Internet: Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin)

Who could say, everywhere in the world, that under powerful pressures such as the ones imposed upon the Soviet government, practically always in a state of exception and emergency, - since its inception-, no errors and unfortunately... crimes would not be made. Actually, the data of the Western scientists on this period are wrong according to the National Archives of Soviet Union opened now for all to see. In spite the continuous flow of propaganda against Stalin since the 1930s, practically only bourgeois and petty-bourgeois are scared by his leadership and determination. On the other hand, it was reported in 2008, that 300 000 homeless people were “living” in Poland, while the Czechs had to struggle against US military bases to be installed on their territory. This year the International Council for Friendship and Solidarity with Soviet People marked the 93rd Anniversary of Great October Revolution. At that time, 177 million people were living in Soviet Union and this number reached 360 millions in the 1980s; the official and open counter-revolution occurred by those years.
Today, new organizations are born to promote understanding between peoples, notably between Canada, USA and USSR, gathered in a Friendship Society. The Chairman, Michael Lucas explained: “We function as an united front organization to help unify, consolidate and coordinate the anti-imperialist forces of the world with the ongoing world movement to restore the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Our aim is international cooperation in building socialism and solidarity with all anti-imperialist forces struggling against imperialism, headed by U.S. imperialism.”

In Fall 2011, an international conference will take place in Beograd (Serbia) to reassess the situation in the former Soviet Union by participants from all around the world, including Canada. As the French say goes: "tant qu'il y a de la vie, il y a de l'espoir..."